Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A smidgen of unsolicited advice...

As I sit here waiting for the American congress and senate to GET WITH THE PROGRAM, and stop adding useless amendments to the Obama economic stimulus package, I thought I'd perhaps offer a little advice to those politicians stuck in the mud up to their ears (which seems to have shut down whatever brain functionality they may have once enjoyed).

To the democrats:  I realize that the "Buy American" provisions play well to the masses.  But please, think a little before you act.  Do you really think that destroying the world of international trade will make the American economy flourish?

To the republicans:  Please, stop going on about more tax cuts.  It's embarrassing.  The entire world knows that the U.S. is hopelessly in debt.  And your solution is to further remove your ability to pay for your own programs, to continue the failed policies that helped create the economic bubbles which precipitated the mess we're in. 

A special note to Senator McCain:  I heard you say the stimulus package is actually a spending package.  D'uh.  No doubt you proposed a stimulus package without spending that day you rushed to Washington and tried to duck the debate.  Probably you've heard that you lost all credibility.  And p.s. you lost the election big time. 

One more for the republicans:  Please stop genuflecting to Rush Limbaugh.  He's an entertainer without material, a comedian missing a sense of humour, a racist who panders to the lowest denominator.  He's not the leader of the party, is he?

One more for the democrats:  Stop using the free-online tax return software and try hiring a real tax accountant, especially if you have aspirations for the presidential cabinet.
 And in general:  A post-ideological world beckons - all you have to do is open your mind. 

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