Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Chained to a Stump

Why in the word is the American news media still paying attention to Dick Cheney?

I understand that they like this idea of a trumped-up virtual debate between Cheney and Obama, that they think this supposed controversy will sell their product.

But how can there be a debate when one side has the credibility of a stump?  Do we need to go over all that again?

1.  Directed the fabrication of evidence of WMDs to justify a war that shredded any remaining legacy of American justice, virtuosity and ideal, while allowing the criminals and terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan to escape and regroup.

2. Directed the fabrication of legal opinion and legislation to justify the use of torture in interrogation, thereby shredding any remaining moral justification to obtain information that is by its nature suspect and useless.

All this reminds of the farewell media tour that Cheney took in his waning days of power.  The interviewer asked him, "Why is that, in the latest polls, you only have the support of 12% of the American public?"

Cheney answered in his best gruff, wounded bear voice.  "I don't care about the polls.  I care about doing what's right." 

The interviewer then let him off the hook by re-asking the same question in different forms, and getting the same smug answer.  Luckily for the interviewer, Cheney did not have his shotgun with him that day.

I would have asked: "How is it - if you are so convinced that you're right and continue to be right - that 88% of the people have come to believe you are wrong.   Do you think the American public is that dumb?"  

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