Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Top Ten Reasons not to argue with a republican supporter

10. Once provoked, republican supporters really don’t like it when the other side starts singing “Na na na hey hey goodbye” .

9. Be aware – they haven’t closed Guantánamo Bay quite yet.

8. Apparently it’s not okay to point out that the republican party desperately needs to rid itself of its ‘evangelical’ base and reinvent itself as relevant in the 21st century.

7. Most people seem to have noticed that Barrack Obama was just elected the first black president of the U.S., a noticeable and inspirational achievement in itself, to say the least – yet somehow, this is not obvious to some observers.

6. Audacious claims that the Bush presidency only went wrong in the “past couple of years” can cause one to doubt his conception of the universe.

5. Rational arguments can always been drowned out in the raucous din of failed ideology.

4. Underneath all that rancor, republican supporters can be nice, rational, even sane people with big, big hearts – really, it’s true!

3. Living in Canada – classified in some circles as a non-democratic, one-party-rule, socialist haven of liberal thought – tends to discredit one’s arguments.

2. Even though it’s tempting to point out that the only way for the Democrats to lose that election would have been to appoint the “Harold and Kumar” ticket, it’s hard to resist…

1. Sarah Palin in 2012 – that threat could render anyone speechless.

* Bonus Reason 0 – Risking one’s own credibility by using the first letter of the ten reasons to spell a cute message….


Anonymous said...

Well done! waiting to hear the rebuttal!

Anonymous said...

Frank, your top 10 - amusing but a little misguided. "Obama Rules"??...I think dictators usually do that (i.e. Chavez, Ahmadinejad , Putin). Presidents are supposed to serve. It would be highly irresponsible for us to give our Pres-elect the Nobel Peace prize before glancing at his achievements - but then again, a media-made American-idol junior Senator with a makeover fit for a celebrity IS an achievement! oh, by the way, did I mention he was black? More points for us, right? :) mind you, it wouldn't be the first time we jumped the gun on Nobel prizes (i.e. the late Arafat, Al Gore...) One can label Bush as Cheney's Patsy, however that label can easily be transferred to Obama as Pelosi’s Patsy. Gitmo? He'll only be throwing the hard left a bone to chew on. By the way, I'll take my first dirty martini when those “chickens come to roost”.

Unknown said...

Ok, so I wasn't there to objectively assess what transpired over a delicious home-cooked meal, but my informer (i.e. JoJo) indicated the scene became quite heated ... in fact the amount of energy created could have cooked a whole other 25# turkey! Republicans will thank the American public ... eventually, when they come to their senses.

Anonymous said...

Ankoor -

Inspirational leadership does rule, at least in the colloquial sense - of course, if you want to get out the tin hats and conspiracy paranoia gear, feel free - just remember that it was Bush and Cheney who pushed the Patriot Act - I somehow doubt they'll be getting a nomination...

Mary and Rod - you missed a humdinger of a meal - though i', to report there were no penalties assessed for lllegal use of a drumstick.