Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Imaginative Meanderings in the Waking Mind of a President


I have to ...  

what was that guy's name?  

can't recall...    

I'm great... I'm great...I'm great...  

he was on Fox... of course on Fox...  good looking guy...  not as great as me, no way..   

I love what i did with the oval bedroom ... big mirror on the ceiling...  not big... really big... hugely big, I said, framed in gold, like I like it.   Cause they like me, right?  yeah, yeah.... 

I'm great... I'm great... I'm great...  

the hair's still good good, must have slept good... heh.. heh .. heh... 

ready to slay some democrats...  fat cats, that's what i call them... they're the fat cats, licking their paws...  Aw, i hate cats anyways, dogs too.... what't the point of animals if you can't eat them... 

though dogs are loyal, i'll give them that... I like loyal... loyal is useful,,, i can use loyal...  unlike generals..  who knew you could't trust generals... you would think they were loyal... 

you know, i thought i smelt the odor of piss in the oval office yesterday... like someone pissed in a plant... like a cat... like a general...  

i told them, they should install cameras in the office, videotape everything for my forever posterity...  wouldn't loser Comey have liked that...  No, they told me, look what happened to Nixon... 

well, Nixon was a loser, like the military is full of losers... the fake news is still on about the losers in the military, well of course they're damn fools and losers if they're dead...  

the only way to die is rich, you win then, you pass it on, you pass on your name, like my dad did... he was a winner...  yeah, he was... can you imagine my Ivana and her Jared in this bed, looking up, thinking of me, of all I gave them, all that huge, huge stuff... maybe they could change their name...

no, it won't be Don Jr, i don't see it... ok, he does a good padcost or podcast or whatever, who knew the boy could speak... course he learned from the best... the biggest star.... I'm great... I'm great,,, I'm great...  

yeah, okay, gotta think of stars, some good ones, ones that like me... athletes... athletes are safe... Tiger likes me... I gave him a medal... golfers are safe, golfers like me, they love me...  no damn golfer is going to kneel on the first tee...  

basketball, can't go there, they're all pretty rich, but can't even appreciate all I do for.......  turned into a freaking nest of protesters... black lives matter, woodoo...   

c'mon man, gotta have positive thoughts for the day...  baseball... no, baseball is not america's sport anymore, boring...  

football is... until he started all that kneeling stuff....  no good... no good... 

let's see, what did Fox say yesterday.... I'm great... I'm great... I'm great...  

that Q guy... he's good... he likes me... Q Anon... what kind of name is that anyway?  who knows...  

and the Q haters... the cabal against me...  the deep state... Barry and Joe are criminals, lock 'em up with Hilary... yeah, that was a good one.... 

okay... okay... time to get up...  time to do the morning stretches, like momma taught me...  

stretch the left arm out... I'm great... I'm great... I'm great...  left is for losers...  

stretch the right arm out...  I'm great... I'm great... I'm great...  right is might...  

stretch the left leg out... I'm the big egg... heh... heh... heh... 

stretch out the right leg out... I'm the best egg... heh... heh... heh... 

stretch out your little fingers... la... la.. la.. 

stretch out your little toes... I'm great... I'm great... I'm great...  

stretch the little pinky... 

stretch the little winky..   I'm great... I'm great... I'm great...  

okay, enough of that, i'm president now, gotta get up and flog some democrats... 

time to turn on the Fox...

pandemic's turned the corner... pandemic's turned the corner... heh... heh... heh...

and remember to fix the hair...

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